I’m committing to publishing one post every week for the next 51 weeks.

Jeff Atwood, the founder of Stack Overflow and Discourse attributes all the success he had to starting and regularly writing his blog.

John Sonmez, the founder of Simple Programmer, attributes all the success he had to starting and regularly writing his blog.

Both recommend that every software engineer should have their own blog.

I’ve started several blogs but never got very far with any of them. However, those experiences have sped up the setup and publication of this blog.

So today I’m starting again and this time I’m seeing it through to at least 52 posts of hopefully useful content to share what I’ve learned as a software engineer and improve my communication skills.

Currently I’m using Hugo as my static site generator for the amazing speed of static sites compared to content management systems such as Wordpress and the ability to write posts in Vim and Markdown. Jane is the current theme since it looked beautiful and optimized for speed. It also has a ton of features such as support for multiple commenting systems.

This site is hosted on Gitlab Pages since a static site doesn’t require a server and Gitlab Pages is free. DNSimple is the DNS provider as the user interface is excellent for developers1.

  1. Warning: This is a referral URL and both you and I get $5 off our subscriptions if you use this link to sign up. Students used to be able to sign up for a Github Developer Pack and get the first year free but it doesn’t look like DNSimple is still part of the pack. ↩︎